Sunday, August 16, 2009

leaving home

Hi daddy. I just got done packing for China! It still hasn't set in. Crazy! I was trying so hard to make 57 pounds into 50. Definitely didn't happen. I had to give up a few things, but mom says she might send them to me once I'm there. I have quite a few dresses and skirts packed that I didn't want to give up because they'll be really easy to squat in and I don't want it to be easy for people to just check me out either. As much as I'm scared and nervous, I think I'm more excited. I can't wait to meet the little kids I'm teaching. Dad. Do you think I'll be a good teacher? Do you think I'll be able to do all that I want to do? Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with all that I know I have to fit in to four months. Can you help me? Thank you, daddy.

Oh! I had my friends over last night and it was so nice to see all of them and to know how many good friends I have. I know you were there too. Probably back in your room with the Golf channel on, but still. I still can't believe I'm old enough to go live in another country!! I still feel like your little girl. The one you had your arm wrapped around at graduation and the one you'd carry on your shoulders. Mom went all out. She got me a box of leis and hula skirt decorations. The whole shabang! I had Kneader's make me some mini fruit tarts, peach tarts and eclairs. Talk about yummy yummy in my tummy. Mom was bad. She had. . . three or so. She would cut them in half telling herself that she was only going to have the one half. She did that to one of each kind I think. I love her and need her. She makes me smile.

I love you, daddy. I'm so excited to do this and go on a grown up adventure! Maybe I'll finally feel like I'm two decades old. Hope you're having fun where you are. Talk to you later.

Your baby girl


  1. Kc I am so excited you started a blog so I can still keep in touch with you while you're in China. You're going to have so much fun I am so happy for you! I'll miss you forever until you get back.
    Love, Mandi

  2. i'm sad we missed it!!! good luck!! miss and love you my lover!!!
